If so, you might want to do a quick check to see if you’re receiving your notifications.
Due to upgrades to our mail server, the spam filter is being extra vigilant and some customers are finding that their email notifications are being flagged as spam.
To make sure that you are not missing your notifications:
- Click here to go to Web Mail
- Sign in using your email address and password
- Open your spam folder
- If your order notifications are in your spam folder, select them (check box beside email)
- Click 'Not Spam' button at the top.
You can also use a "Safe List" to set your account to always receive mail from certain email addresses and domains (so they won't be flagged as spam). To do so:
- Click here to go to Web Mail
- Sign in using your email address and password
- Under 'Settings' in the navigation on the left side, click 'Mail'
- Select the 'Blocking' tab at the top
- Under 'Safe List', enter an email address, or to receive any email from a specific domain, enter "*@domain.com" - subsitute whichever domain you want to receive from for "domain.com"
- Click 'Add'
Note: Addresses that are in your Address Book are considered to be in your Safe List and are not filtered for spam (even though the Address Book entries are not displayed in the Safe List). If you add an address to the Block Senders List that is also in your Address Book, the address will be blocked - the Block Senders List takes precedence over the Address Book.
That should fix it for you! If you continue to have trouble with this, please don’t hesitate to contact Support.