We're excited to announce 2 new features that will help with your search engine ranking.
Customizable Web Addresses for Product Pages
First, you can now customize the web address of each individual product page on the catalog layout. Here's how it works:
1. Go to any of your catalog pages and then click "Edit Page" -> "Edit Products."
2. Click the "Edit" button by any product. You'll then see a new text box called "Page URL."
3. Enter the web address extension you would like for your product and save. In this example, I inputted "hello_kitty_cosmetic_bag."
The end result is the page will show web address:
Not only will your web addresses for your product pages look better, but putting keywords that describe your product will help improve your search engine ranking.
Meta Tags for Product Pages
You can also now add a title tag, meta description and meta keywords to your individual product pages. Here's how it works:
1. Go to any of your catalog pages and then click "Edit Page" -> "Properties."
2. A window pops up. In the field beside "Edit," you can click on the down arrow to show a drop down menu listing all your products in alphabetical order for that catalog page. Click on the one you would like to edit.
3. Enter in your text for HTML Title Tag, Meta Keywords and Meta Description. Then, save the page.
For most search engines, the title tag is what will show as the highlighted link text and then below that will show your meta description. It's a good idea to put in some of your keywords (words that would help bring up your page when searched in a search engine) in both of these, but don't overload them or it becomes difficult for potential visitors to quickly see what your page is about -- i.e. they might not click on your link. Instead, you can load lots of keywords into your meta keywords. For your keywords, input phrases that someone might type in a search engine to find your page. Separate each one with a comma.
Here's how the example above would typically look on a search engine listing: